General Theory: Reading Lost
I'm very sorry about being so late in posting. I hope this will still be of some use.
There is a lot of secondary material on Greek historians. The following may be of some use.
1. Gregory Crane: Thucydides and the Ancient Simplicity:The Limits of Political Realism, Berkeley · Los Angeles · London 1998
E-text at
2. Simon Hornblower (ed.) Greek Historiography Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994.
3. I have already mentioned Francois Hartog's The Mirror of Herodotus, partly on Google Books
On Augustine, Markus is very reliable (NL), also on Google Books.
4. RA Markus: Saeculum: history and society in the theology of St. Augustine, Edition: 2, revised
Cambridge University Press, 1988 Partly on Google Books
5. JGA Pocock, The Machiavellian Moment, rev. ed 2003, Partly on Google Books
There is not much I can recommend on the Hunne lecture by way of commentary. Read the account (coroner's report) of his death and if possible More's version.
6. Keith Thomas: Religion and the Decline of Magic, Penguin, 1982
You could also try to read a bit of Foucault's Madness and Civilization, at least grasp the general argument.
Rajeev Patke critically reviews two books on Benjamin's view of history: “Benjamin's Theses on the Concept of History”. Well worth reading in itself. Andrew Benjamin's book is well known.
Steinberg, Michael P., ed. (1996). Walter Benjamin and the Demands of History. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.